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Breast cancer surgery

Emily is able to offer a range of options for breast cancer treatment. She is one of few NZ surgeons offering oncoplastic breast surgery. Oncoplastic breast surgery is a different approach to traditional breast surgery and applies to both mastectomy (removing the whole breast) and wide local excision (also called ‘lumpectomy’ where only part of your breast needs to be removed). This approach does not in any way increase the chances of the cancer recurring. It does aim to improve your body image and self-esteem after cancer surgery and help the process of recovery on a physical, emotional and psychological level.

Oncoplastic surgery opens up a wide range of options for women. Not all of them will be suitable for you. At your consultation Emily will talk to you about the options you have and you can make a plan together.

Breast reduction

Emily has trained in breast reduction (also called reduction mammoplasty) techniques and is delighted to offer this service in Taranaki. She is able to perform a range of reduction techniques and tailor these to your desired outcome. 

Removal of benign (non-cancerous) lumps

Emily is happy to remove benign breast lumps, or those where the diagnosis is uncertain. She will attempt to do this in a way that leaves a subtle scar and a good cosmetic result.

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